4-Step Path to Becoming a Certified Data Management Professional

1. Get Informed
DAMA International's DMBoK (Data Management Book of Knowledge) is a comprehensive guide to international data management standards and practices for data management professionals.
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2. Get Connected
DAMA BeLux is a facilitator of data management content in all its aspects, and creates a trusted environment for data professionals to share best practices in data and information management
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3. Get Skilled
The literature list and DMBOK will get you a long way but sometimes you just want to accelerate. Attending conferences and webinars are a great way to increase your understanding. We are planning to facilitate study groups to support your personal growth.

4. Get Certified

Professional certification proves knowledge, skill and experience in a field. The Certified Data Management Professional designation shows growth and commitment in the field of Data Science, and can enhance your career goals.

CMDP Information

Earning your Certified Data Management Professional - CDMP® certification is a significant achievement. This credential can help accelerate your career and demonstrate your qualifications to employers, clients, and peers. Initial CDMP certification is for three years, after which all certification holders must meet some simple yearly requirements to keep their certification valid.

The certification maintenance program is for all those who have obtained credentials since 2019.

DAMA  International believes in continuous improvement for those who hold the globally respected CDMP certification.  All certification holders will need to attest to their continued data management activities and, upon request, provide details on their activities.

The certification maintenance process will require certification holders to pay USD $100 annually for DAMA International membership and  CDMP maintenance, and attest their continued participation in data management activities.  Whenever there are changes to the form, CDMP holders will need to sign the new DAMA-I code of ethics.

If you have questions, please contact cdmp@dama.org

About Certification

Professional certification is an indication of knowledge, skills, and experience.

DAMA International has developed the Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP®) designation to provide Data Management professionals with an objective method to demonstrate a significant level of data management knowledge, as well as to enhance their professional and career development.

Find out more about certification levels and exam information.

About Exams

DAMA International offers Online Proctored CDMP Exams.

Find out about costs, exam types and how to enroll in exams.

CDMP Maintenance

The certification maintenance program is for all those who have obtained credentials since 2019.  Initial CDMP certification is for three years, after which all certification holders must meet some simple yearly requirements to keep their certification valid:

  1. Renew your DAMA-I Membership and CDMP Maintenance fee every year
    Renew your DAMA-I Membership and pay your CDMP maintenance fee at the same time using the same credentials used during testing through the DAMA member portal. You will be sent automated email notifications as your expiry nears, and a banner will appear on your screen after you log in with a link to the Individual Central Standard Membership + CDMP Maintenance membership plan for $100 US.

  2. Submit the Data Management Activity Attestation Form every year
    DAMA-I believes in continuous improvement for those who hold the globally respected CDMP certification. All Certification holders will need to attest to their continued data management activities and, upon request, provide details on their activities.

  3. Sign the Code of Ethics (CoE)
    The CoE demonstrates DAMA's values for professionalism, and affirmation of your accountability to uphold DAMA's standards is required. Check that you have signed the current version. If you are unable to fill out the online form, you may access the PDF version. Please note that by using the PDF, it could cause a delay in your renewal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to many of your questions and get support.

Submit Master Experience

Have you passed your Data Management Fundamentals and 2 specialist exams?
Get ready to be certified at the Master level.

Submit your experience.

Request an Exam Event

Are you planning to run a Data Management conference?

Do you want to hold an exam event?

Register your event to get support.